Showing 73–84 of 102 results

  • Instructor:
    Tim Harris
    An aligned body is a strong body- naturally. A strong body is a balanced body. Tim will take you through a series to balance out your body’s strength.
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Yoga Block

  • Instructor:
    Tim Harris
    An aligned body is a strong body- naturally. A strong body is a balanced body. Tim will take you through another series to balance out your body’s strength.
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, Strap

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Just another super yummy whole body stretch class!
    Equipment Needed:
    Block, Bolster, Half Dome, Blanket, (2) Straps (or extra long strap)

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    What about the tucking? When should my pelvis be in neutral and when should I tuck? Wait…sometimes I should tuck???
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, Bolster

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    Let’s check out the coveted motor skill of hip extension. Do you have it? What’s limiting your hip extension? How do YOU get your leg behind you when you walk?
    Needed: Bolster, 1/2 Dome, Block, Strap

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Let’s challenge those glutes & hips & legs!
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, 12” long Block (or maybe a book)

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Strength requires muscles that lengthen or yield. If you have a muscle that is in a chronically short- or long- position, it can’t generate force and thus is “weak”. We need muscles that have the ability to contract (shorten) and relax (lengthen). In this class we’ll go back and forth between lengthening stretches and strengthening exercises. Yee haw!
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, ½ Dome, & something else like another ½ dome, or strap, or block

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    A delicious opportunity to release those tight neck muscles (and rhomboids, chest, and forearm) and improve mobility of the thoracic spine.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, Blanket, Tennis Ball, Light Weight

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    A delicious opportunity to release those tight neck muscles. Mmmmmm. You’re welcome.
    Equipment Needed:
    Block, 1/2 Dome, Bolster, one light weight (2-3lb) or can

  • An un-Desk Your Spine (and un-Tech Your Neck) Workshop
    4 hour Class plus 4 BONUS Videos

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    We’ll make our own mini obstacle course to mimic some natural type movements, and intersperse that with corrective exercises. You’ll get to crawl, balance, pick stuff up from the floor, etc.
    A bunch of random stuff J Half Dome, Strap (or 2×4 or line of masking tape), Tennis Ball, Rocks, Wedge, Pool Noodle, Pillow Train, Rolled Blanket (long log)…

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    The “Sit & Rise Test” is a decent predictor of all-cause mortality from cardiovascular disease. At the beginning of class, you’ll do a before test and then re-test at the end, after Michael takes you through a series of exercises to improve all mobilities required to get up from and down to the floor.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, Block

Showing 73–84 of 102 results