Showing 61–72 of 102 results

  • Instructor:
    Tim Harris
    To be able to walk most efficiently (getting the most benefit and doing the least damage), we need to be able to do this thing called “posterior push-off” (among other things) which requires hip extension (among other things). Opening up the largest joint in your body (your hip) -working specifically on hip extension- will increase your body’s ability to push back further, but maybe more importantly, you’ll get a chance to see what your true hip extension looks like.
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, Strap

  • Instructor:
    Tim Harris
    Tension in the low back? Tim will guide you through a lot of loosening up of the lumbar area, waist, and deep hip rotators. Aaaaahhh. And then a surprise J
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    If you use your hands daily, you might find there is tension in the hands and arms. This tension can translate up to the neck and shoulders. We’ll work on hand mobility and stretching and mobilizing the wrists and forearms and we’ll play with bolstering of the hands and wrists.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Ball (YTU or tennis ball), table or stack of blocks.

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    The pelvic (hip) list is the first thing that should happen for us to take a step, but most of us don’t have the strength in our lateral hips to support our own body weight. This progression will not only get you really working these muscles, but help you work them better by using a variety of “tricks”.
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, 12” long Block (or maybe a book)

  • “Ouch That Hurts” or “I Didn’t Know I Had Muscles There”
    Michael Kaffel
    You’re gonna love this. Using the tennis balls, you’ll have a chance to explore ALL around the shoulder joints…discovering muscles you didn’t even know you had. This class finishes with a lovely pass down the spine from neck to shoulder blades.
    Equipment Needed:
    Blanket, Half Dome, 2 Tennis Balls in a sock, Bolster

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    Due to all the stuff we do with our arms out in front of us (driving, computers), many of us have developed a really tight chest and shoulders, and hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine. This class will help to mobilize the shoulders and thoracic spine and help to restore the stability of the scapulae.
    Equipment Needed:
    Half Dome, Block, Bolster, Elastic Tubing (light resistance, preferably with flexible handles)

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    Due to all the stuff we do with our arms out in front of us (driving, computers), many of us have developed a really tight chest and shoulders, and hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine. This class will help to mobilize the shoulders and thoracic spine and help to restore the stability of the scapulae. (This class is a replay from a few years ago…enjoy!)
    Equipment Needed:
    Half Dome, Block, Bolster, Elastic Tubing (light resistance, preferably with flexible handles)

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    In this class we will explore shoulder range of motion and hyperkyphosis and their relationship to core strength. To support your weight- either on your hands or hanging from them- you need thoracic mobility and the ability to stabilize your ribcage, i.e. core strength. This class will help you become aware of tensions that might be preventing you from moving through various ranges of motion required for hanging or supported body weight exercises.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, (2) Straps. Light Weight (1 or 2 lbs)
    * Note: If you have diastasis recti, be mindful of the integrity of the abdominal wall and work within the parameters of your boundaries.

  • Instructor:
    Joan Allen
    You probably have some hyperkyposis- more forward curvature of your upper (thoracic) spine- than is ideal. Join the club. Enjoy this series (with before and after evaluation) that will magically reduce your hyperkyphosis. Repeat this often for best results!
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, Bolster, Foam Roll, Yellow Tube with handles

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    For a mobile spine, we need abdominal muscles that work all the way from the bottom to the top and from the deeper layers to the more superficial layers. We tend to move the spine in big chunks. In this class we’ll tease apart some of these pieces for greater mobility and ease of movement.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, Block, Red Squishy Ball

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Our tight hip flexors inhibit both full extension of the hip (think leg going back behind you when you walk) and full hip flexion. This class will give you a chance to spend time both in flexion and working on releasing in extension – both of which will help further your progress of moving through your well- aligned squat.
    Equipment Needed:
    Half Dome, Strap (maybe 2), Block, Bolster, maybe a second Half Domes or rolled up yoga mat
    *Please excuse the headless instructor for the first 30 seconds

Showing 61–72 of 102 results