Breena Maggio Description:
Foot mobility and ankle range of motion are important for walking on a variety of terrain and inclines. Lack of dorsiflexion of the ankle and foot immobility can contribute to foot, ankle, knee, and hip issues…cuz it’s all connected. So let’s get those pieces loosened up! Equipment Needed:
Half Dome, Strap, YTU or Tennis Ball
Breena Maggio Description:
Many of will find that once the femur is neutral (neutral kneepits), this reveals the tension in our feet. We will work on restoring mobility within the foot so that by the end of this class, your ability to evert the forefoot (getting the ball of your foot flat on the ground, or closer to it) will be better. Equipment Needed:
Bolster, Half Dome, Strap, YTU ball or tennis ball…
Tim Harris Description:
Another flow series! Using breath and continuity of movement, you will be led through a series of exercises focusing on external rotation, pelvic list, and balance. Note: At the beginning of the Bosu section, you can use a bolster, stacked pillows or blankets, or your block, to place your knee on. During the two-legged balance portion, if you do not have a Bosu, you can use an inflatable balance disk or 2 half domes flat side up…or just do single leg balance on your half dome (flat side up). Take extra care if attempting the stand on the Bosu flat side up- sometimes a friend’s hand is helpful for getting on and off. Equipment Needed:
Half Dome, Block, maybe a Bosu or inflatable balance disk (if you have one. If not, your half dome, flat side up, will work just fine.)
*The video “Note” demonstrates use of the balance disk.
Michael Kaffel Description:
Let’s check out the coveted motor skill of hip extension. Do you have it? What’s limiting your hip extension? How do YOU get your leg behind you when you walk? Equipment:
Needed: Bolster, 1/2 Dome, Block, Strap