Lower Body M

Showing 13–21 of 21 results

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    How is your single leg balance? If you said not great, or ok, then your ability to walk without falling is just “not great, or ok”. We’ll work on hip strength, hip extension, lower leg tension, and hip opening. All good for making our walking healthier for our hips.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, Large Block (or hard cover book)
    * Note: This class includes a brief discussion on dogs and dog training… it’s brief

  • Instructor:
    Tim Harris
    To be able to walk most efficiently (getting the most benefit and doing the least damage), we need to be able to do this thing called “posterior push-off” (among other things) which requires hip extension (among other things). Opening up the largest joint in your body (your hip) -working specifically on hip extension- will increase your body’s ability to push back further, but maybe more importantly, you’ll get a chance to see what your true hip extension looks like.
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, Strap

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    The pelvic (hip) list is the first thing that should happen for us to take a step, but most of us don’t have the strength in our lateral hips to support our own body weight. This progression will not only get you really working these muscles, but help you work them better by using a variety of “tricks”.
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, 12” long Block (or maybe a book)

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Our tight hip flexors inhibit both full extension of the hip (think leg going back behind you when you walk) and full hip flexion. This class will give you a chance to spend time both in flexion and working on releasing in extension – both of which will help further your progress of moving through your well- aligned squat.
    Equipment Needed:
    Half Dome, Strap (maybe 2), Block, Bolster, maybe a second Half Domes or rolled up yoga mat
    *Please excuse the headless instructor for the first 30 seconds

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    Let’s check out the coveted motor skill of hip extension. Do you have it? What’s limiting your hip extension? How do YOU get your leg behind you when you walk?
    Needed: Bolster, 1/2 Dome, Block, Strap

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Let’s challenge those glutes & hips & legs!
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, 12” long Block (or maybe a book)

  • Instructor:
    Tim Harris
    This class will take place mostly on the floor, and we’ll be working the muscles around the thigh, both to lengthen and strengthen. You’ll be checking in with quads, hamstrings, inner thigh, and lateral hips.
    Equipment Needed:
    Half Dome, Strap, Block

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Time to work the back side of the legs! We should all be using our posterior leg muscles when walking. This class will help you discover how much or how little strength you have back there.
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Yoga Strap, maybe a chair or firm foam roller

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Are you a rib thruster? If you are (or used to be) you might have a fair amount of tension around the lower end of the thoracic spine (T12 area)/upper part of the lumbar spine. So, while you are working on “dropping the ribs” they might still need some “ramping”, and that tension may be getting in the way. This class is mostly easing of that area to improve mobility and the natural “ramping” of the ribcage.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, Blanket, Red Squishy Ball

Showing 13–21 of 21 results